Frequently asked questions about the 30 day challenge

1. When can I start the 30 Day Challenge?

Answer: After you do all you research and reading on What is Paelo?, Do you understand the food pyramid?, what are carbs? What are processed foods?

2. What can you eat on the Paleo Diet? What can you eat during the 30-Day Challenge?

Just added to my 30 Day Challenge Blog today. You would be able to…..Eat Real Food which includes;

  • Meat (includes poultry and seafood)
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Some fruit (mostly berries)
  • Tons of good fats.

ALL your meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) should be made up of PROTEIN, CARBS (VEGGIES) & FAT- see below

Protein: Depending on your individual needs, range between 3-9 ounces, but when or follow the general rule of having a serving of protein the size of your palm. Free range animals are healthier than commercially raised animals.

• Grass-fed and USDA organic
• Eggs from free roaming chickens Omega 3
• Wild fish
• Wild game (buffalo, venison.. etc.) is always a good option
Carbs: Veggies Non-starchy carbs (greens best). Variation is a plus, eat a lot of them!
• local, in season, organic veggies
• Avoid starchy vegetables (i.e. potatoes).
• Avoid legumes (i.e. peanuts, beans, peas, soybeans etc.)
Carbs: Fruit, it’s good for you in moderation. There is a hierarchy of fruit based on the fruits nutrient value and glycemic load.
• Try to grow your own if possible
• local, seasonal, organic fruit
• Avoid genetically modified organism fruit
• Avoid fruit juices
Despite society beliefs- fats are good. Your body well be trained to burn fat instead of carbs for energy (this will make your energy levels more stable), so don’t skipthe fat in your meals!
• Buy oils (coconut, olive) organic and cold pressed so they remain chemically unchanged
• organic and local avocados
• coconut in all forms
• Nuts are good in moderation (walnuts, pecans and macadamia nuts are your best choice). Raw & unsalted
• Avoid canola (the oil is genetically modified, partially hydrogenated and highly refined), peanut,cottonseed, soybean, and wheat germ oils
• Avoid trans fats (fats damaged by heat – can be made at home) and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
Foods to avoid  (in moderation);
  • Fruit juice as a sweetener Some products will use orange or apple juice as a sweetener. Okay with a small amount of fruit juice as an added ingredient during… but this doesn’t mean a cup of fruit juice is okay!
  • Certain legumes. Green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas are fine. While they’re technically a legume, they’re far more “pod” than “bean”, so eat your greens.
  • Processed goods. Okay with cans or jars of olives, coconut milk, sauces and spice mixtures like tomato sauce or curry, or vegetables like sweet potato or butternut squash, but only if the labels prove they’re “clean”.

More helpful documents on the 30-day Challenge blog

3. Question:Can you do a small cheat during the challenge, for example salad dressing on my salad instead of olive oil?

Answer: United Barbels said it right!

“It’s Only 30 Days – No Cheating! Stay focused and strong. Try not to cheat. Instead of going for a cookie when you are having cravings, reach for a sweet, in season apple”.

3. Question: What do I tell my friends and family, when they offer me processed foods?

Answer: Tell your friends your mean old coaches are I said your not allowed, that’s exactly what I did & it worked. I remember telling my friends “I want to win”! They left me alone because they knew I was determined.

4. Question: What if I have a non-paleo moment?

Answer: As per United barbells:

“If you do fall off the wagon – own up to it in your food log, and no – one time off the wagon doesn’t kick you out of the challenge. But try to keep with it for all 30 days”. ~

I went out to dinner with my friends and thinking I was doing the right thing by ordering miso soup, boy was I wrong. After I ate it I decided to google it and it contained nothing but SOY, as you know from The 30 Day challenge Blog, that is a big NO NO! I was really disappointed because I have been so strict, I just decided to move on and learn from this experience. When you don’t know what ingredients are in something, don’t eat it!

5. Question: Can you cheat after the 30-Day Challenge?

Answer: As per United barbells:

“Once you have completed your 30 day challenge, the occasional cheat meal is fine. If you can let it be something that happens organically (i.e. you are out with friends and everyone really wants pizza and margaritas) once in a while rather than a scheduled meal or day, you will probably feel the need to cheat less. Scheduling it out can turn your mind, once open and free for thinking about other things, into an obsessive “heroin addict” cheat meal obsessed mentality”.

6. Question: What is an example of a meal?

Answer: Sample Menus provided by Robb Wolf

Weight Loss

  • Breakfast: Shrimp scramble with basil and steamed spinach. ¼ cup blueberries. Espresso.
  • Lunch: Chicken salad with red onions, romaine lettuce, artichoke hearts and mixed bell peppers. Dressing: Lemon/Olive Oil with a hint of garlic. Green tea with lemon.
  • Snack: Grilled shrimp & veggies with a handful of macadamias
  • Dinner:Baked pork loin with ginger cabbage and olive oil. 
  • Desert: shaved almonds over 1/4 cup mixed berries.

The Endurance Athlete

If you do an early run, bike or swim interval session. Depending upon your preferences you may opt to train on an empty stomach. If you prefer a small snack before training here is a good way to start your day:

Pre-training: SNACK2 oz chicken OR 2 scrambled eggs. 1/2 to 1/4 honey dew melon OR 1 cup of blueberries.


  • breakfast:Best if consumed within 30 min of training Salmon scramble, 1/2 honey dew or rock melon+1 cup of blueberries. OR Grilled salmon, sweet potato hash browns with olive oil and cinnamon.
  • Lunch: Grass fed ground beef marinara over baked spaghetti squash.
  • Snack: Can of sardines, medium orange, hand full of almonds.
  • Dinner: Baked Halibut, large Artichoke. Garlic-pistachio “pesto” for the halibut and as a dipping sauce for the artichoke.

The Power Athlete

  • Breakfast: 4-6 egg omelet with 1 whole avocado. 1/2 cup blue berries


  • snack2-4 oz grilled chicken, handful of almonds or macadamias


  • Meal 6-8 oz grilled salmon, asparagus, mushroom, bamboo shoot, coconut milk curry.
  • Snack: Canned salmon salad with olive oil, avocado, tomatoes and red onion.
  • Dinner: Grilled grass fed Rib eye with grilled shrimp. Large mixed salad with greens, red onions and ginger sesame dressing.

Recipes & Food Plans

  1. Paleo Food A compilation of paleo cookbooks, recipes, and kitchen equipment for making paleo foods.
  2. Paleo Food Mall  A very thorough list of paleo foods, including dairy substitutes, paleo flours, and all other  foods paleo.
  3. Herondale Farm Grass-fed BEEF-PORK-LAMB
    Six months: November – April
    15 lbs each month 
    5 lbs of Prime cuts,
    5 lbs of roasting or braising meat
    5 lbs of ground meat, stew meat or sausages
  4. Grass land beef An online store selling grass-fed beef, lamb, chicken, pork, bison, wild seafood, rabbit, and other paleo goodies

7. Question: Is Sugar/Artificial Sweetners Okay?

Answer: As Balanced Bites put it “Truvia is not food. Period.” If you more info on sugar and sweeteners, check out Balanced Bites post “The Dish on Sugar & Sweeteners,” but this rant is dedicated to Truvia.

8. Question: How do I cook my food, in olive oil? What salad dressings can I use?

Answer: Olive olive and Red wine vinegar is best for Salad (make sure there are no add additives or ingredients but vinegar. Or purchase Oil imported directly from Greece from my buddy Anthony whose family owns an olive oil plantation in Greece.You will be able to purchase oil starting mid December so check out his site @ Kasandrinos Imports once it is up and running! For cooking food use Coconut oil check Balanced bites post for more info on why.

9. Question: What contains Gluten? How can I be more aware of these foods?

Answer:  Gluten Free made easy thanks to Balanced Bites!

Hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to comment or send me questions.


Paleo 30 Day Challenge


This gallery contains 8 photos.

“The 30 Day Challenge” As I promised in my previous “Energy blog” the following is the information on how you too can reach your goals, whether it be health related or simply wanting to look and feel great take “The … Continue reading